Norbury Park Councillor                         Croydon Tamil Sangam President                         Croydon Deputy Civic Mayor 2023-24                        

Motivating Croydon Entrepreneurs

I have donated food banks with food and everyday essentials regularly and have received numerous awards and recognition which I believe has motivated numerous Croydon businesses to serve the community  

Tree Plantation in Norbury

Being a nature enthusiast and an environmetal activist, my family and I plant tree samplings reguarly in nature reserves and spaces across Croydon bourough and propogate the importance of tree plantation to the children of Norbury Park

Local Hero of Norbury Park

My wife and I were happy to be recognised as Local Heroes from Croydon Neighbourhood Watch for our continuous service as SMEs to the people of Norbury Park during the Covid-19 pandemic 

Serving Croydon Borough

I am constantly expanding and diversifying my business to suit and serve the people of Croydon borough by abolishing inaccessibility and unaffordability of everyday essentials